Wednesday, April 18, 2007

fixed finally

yay so i finally got everything all up and running and all little sim families are in place and the world looks good... well except for the fact that i seem to have misplaced blarghington...

oh and i made a robin sim on insim, she may be added to the craziness soon...

Saturday, April 7, 2007


ack... so the boy decided to mess with the computer stuff and get a newer bigger hard drive. and while that is good as it means more sims downloads(bwhahahaahahha) it also means i have to start over. blargh! well after easter im going to see if i can get him to transfer all my junk over and see if i can export my families somehow... in the meantime i started a new tulunzel so my sims will feel at home once i get them transfered over...