Wednesday, August 15, 2007

natural family living sims: round 1

In this round you will be preparing for the baby's big day. Weather that means getting the nursery ready or getting yourself ready. Show us what special things you do for your unborn child or children. You will need 6 pictures for this round and at least 3 sentences of story telling.

round one: getting ready for baby

its really sinking in that im having another baby. ive started sewing diapers and clothes like a madwoman.

i bought alot of fabric when i found out i was pregnant and pulling it out to sew made it real somehow. wow. im having a baby.

ive been talking to my belly alot, getting to know her before she comes. did i say she? i really think its another girl. a mothers intuition.

ive been checking off a list of things id like to have ready by the time our baby comes.
slings, diapers, carseat, we even were gifted a baby hammock for naps in the living room.

ive been talking to eryx about his new younger sibling, i got him his own baby to help with the transition.

ive been reading everything i can find on normal healthy birth. thank you internet!

but mostly what ive been doing to prepare is relaxing. relaxation is such an intregal part of labor. how can your body progress when its fighting itself? how can your mind truely be free to birth when youre plagued with worry? right now im daydreaming. daydreaming of my baby :)

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